September 16, 2011

Mom! Look what we made in class!

Because I've been wasting... ahem... making the most out of my time today with endless pictures of food porn, I thought I'd share some of my own. 

Here are some photos of one of my recent classes: Chocolate Souffles and Eclairs!  Fancy, huh?
 I liked it in a little mug. It's cute and it has a handle for when things get crazy!
Or traditionally in a ramekin. Also nice.
 Molten Center!! We dropped frozen balls of ganache in these so they melted in the oven.
Mmmm.  Souffles have a bad rep, but they are actually pretty easy to make.  The thing that makes them tricky is that they will begin to fall if they are not served to someone within two minutes.  So eat up! And fast!!
Look at my pretty little Pâte à Choux! Pâte à Choux is the dough you use for things like cream puffs and eclairs.  We made eclairs.  See the pastry cream poking out? 
Then we dipped them in Cocoa Glaze and Choclate Ganache. 
The Cocoa Glaze stays shiny when it dries.  It's made with cocoa and powdered sugar. 
The chocolate ganache dries dull, but is made with real chocolate and heavy cream. The two taste different, mostly because the ganache has actual chocolate in it.  Ganache covered eclairs are also probably going to be more expensive at a bakery.
I like the ganache.  I eat it with my pinky up. 

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